Hole #1
The 1st is a short par 4 at just over 300 yards with a good drive leaving a short pitch into the green. The tee shot is blind and players must be ca ..
Hole #2
The 2nd is a difficult par 3 from the back tees again with out of bounds all the way down the right. Depending on wind conditions club selection can r ..
Hole #3
The 3rd is a difficult par 4 as trouble lies all the way down the left for any hooked tee shots. Players must aim to the right as the fairway slopes d ..
Hole #4
The 4th hole leaves the player with a decision of whether to take a driver from the tee or play safe with an iron. A good drive would leave a short pi..
Hole #5
The 5th is the first par 5 (from the Gents tees) and is normally a three shotter unless the wind is favourable. Out of bounds up the right makes the t ..
Hole #6
The 6th is a par 3 with a severe up-slope, making club selection on this hole difficult. A bunker is waiting for any tee shots coming up short and to ..
Hole #7

The 7th is a downhill par 5 with a good drive leaving an opportunity to hit this green for two. However, a bunker waits for any miss-directed approach ..
Hole #8
The 8th is perhaps one of the hardest par 4s in the county. At 430 yards all up hill, hitting this green for two is a non-starter for the majority of ..
Hole #9
The 9th is a short par 4 at around 250 yards, however there is out of bounds all the way down the right and bunkers wait at the bail out area on the l ..
Hole #10
The 10th is another short par 4 with gorse bushes both left and right and approaches to the green have to be pitched left of the green as it slopes se ..
Hole #11

The 11th continues the short par 4s, a slight dogleg right can be cut off by the bigger hitters but any miss-hit tee shots can catch the ditch or the ..
Hole #12
The 12th is a relatively short par 4 although it is all up-hill, with deep rough and trees on the left. A drive on the right side of the fairway ..
Hole #13
The 13th is a picturesque par 3 at around 130–140 yards it is only a short iron over the trees to the green. Out of bounds and a ditch on the ri ..
Hole #14
The 14th is a blind tee shot up and over the brow of a hill, with a large bunker on the right of the fairway at around 240 yards from the tee so the d ..
Hole #15
The 15th is a long par 3 at close to 200 yards and can be extremely difficult in windy conditions with a ditch and bunkers left, and another b ..
Hole #16
The 16th is a par 5 which has wrecked many cards over the years. With out of bounds right and a ditch and trees to the left, the drive must be close t ..
Hole #17
The 17th is a short par 3 with two bunkers guarding the green left and right. Don’t forget the second, hidden ditch ! Once the “amphitheat ..
Hole #18
The 18th is great finishing hole at around 450 yards with trouble all the way down the right side. The drive will need to carry onto the top of the bi ..